
Delphi Greece information

Delphi is an ancient archaeological site in Greece, renowned for its historical, religious, and cultural significance. Here’s a brief overview of its history and information on how to visit: offers daily departures

History of Delphi

1. Mythological Origins:

  • According to Greek mythology, Delphi was the centre of the world. Zeus released two eagles from opposite ends of the world, and they met at Delphi, making it the “navel” of the Earth.
  • The site was initially sacred to Gaia (the Earth goddess) and later to Apollo, who slew the serpent Python guarding the area.

2. Oracle of Delphi:

  • Delphi became famous for the Oracle of Apollo, where the Pythia, a high priestess, would deliver prophecies. The Oracle was consulted by individuals and city-states on important matters, including wars, politics, and colonization.
  • The Pythia delivered her prophecies in a trance, often induced by vapours rising from a chasm in the earth.

3. Religious Significance:

  • The Temple of Apollo, built in the 4th century BCE, was the main structure where the Oracle delivered her prophecies.
  • Other significant structures include the Theater of Delphi, the Stadium, and the Tholos, a circular building that possibly served a religious function.

4. Political and Cultural Importance:

  • Delphi hosted the Pythian Games, similar to the Olympic Games, held every four years and featuring athletic and musical competitions.
  • It was also home to the Delphic Amphictyony, an ancient religious association of tribes that played a significant role in the political landscape of ancient Greece.

5. Decline and Rediscovery:

  • Delphi’s influence waned after the Roman conquest and the rise of Christianity. The site was eventually abandoned and fell into ruin.
  • Rediscovered in the 19th century, Delphi has been extensively excavated, revealing its historical treasures.

Visiting Delphi

1. Location:

  • Delphi is located on the slopes of Mount Parnassus, near the modern town of Delphi in central Greece.

2. How to Get There:

  • By Car: Delphi is about 180 kilometres northwest of Athens. The drive takes around 2.5 to 3 hours via the A1/E75 highway and then the E962 road.
  • By Bus: Buses run regularly from Athens to Delphi. The trip takes about 3 hours. Buses depart from the Liosion bus station in Athens.
  • By Tour: Numerous tour operators offer day trips to Delphi from Athens, often including a guided tour of the site and the museum.

3. Key Sites to Visit:

  • Temple of Apollo: The remains of the temple where the Oracle once delivered her prophecies.
  • Theatre: Offering stunning views of the valley, it could seat around 5,000 spectators.
  • Stadium: Located further up the hill, it hosted athletic contests.
  • Tholos: A circular building with a distinctive architectural style.
  • Archaeological Museum of Delphi: Houses many artefacts discovered at the site, including the famous Charioteer of Delphi statue.

4. Tips for Visiting:

  • Wear comfortable walking shoes as the site is extensive and involves a lot of walking.
  • Bring water and sun protection, especially during the summer months.
  • Check the opening hours in advance; the site and museum typically have different schedules.
  • Consider hiring a guide or joining a guided tour to gain deeper insights into the history and significance of the site.

Delphi remains a captivating destination, offering a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of ancient Greece and the enduring legacy of its myths and legends.

1-Delphi One Day Tour – GreeceTours

2-Delphi | Two Days Tour – GreeceTours

3-Delphi Meteora Two Days Tour – GreeceTours

4-Delphi – Meteora | Three Days Tour – GreeceTours

5-Olympia – Delphi | Three Days Tour – GreeceTours

6-Olympia – Delphi – Meteora | Four Days Tour – GreeceTours

7–We can  also organize small groups   and  private tours on request